Sunday, May 26, 2013

Maintaining Quality Products and Endorsements for Omega

Swiss watches are known all over the world for their quality and precision when it comes to timepieces.  Even when the Japanese came up with a lot more affordable watcges, people still prefer to own at least one piece of Swiss-made timepiece to add to their collection. Swiss watch makers have been able to make a brand out of their famous product, which the Japanese manufacturers cannot topple even if Swiss watches are more expensive.  There is a lure that Swiss products have that people are drawn to and makes them readily spend their hard-earned money without any hesitation.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Star-Studded Omega Endorsement Stable

Omega is one of the most popular brands when it comes to luxury watches. It has a wide range of products that cater to both genders.  This Swiss-made luxury brand has been in the business for more than a hundred years now.  People do not mind paying a lot despite the steep prices of its watches.  Even if it does have few jewelry products that are being sold alongside its timepieces, it is still the company's watches that catch the attention of consumers, even including celebrities and A-listers from the entire planet. 

Omega has relied heavily on celebrity endorsements to further the renown of their luxury watch business.  They have not failed to highlight the people that have been seen sporting their products on their wrists, which include famous actors and actresses, society's movers and shakers, and other notable people from all over the world. You can say that Omega watch would not have risen to the stature that it enjoys now with the help of these people.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How Endorsers Strengthened the Omega Brand

Omega is one of the well-known brands in the world of luxury items.  Celebrities and famous people commonly use their products and consider it to be as an essential accessory to their attire.  Since it is considered to be a luxury item, it does cost more than the other watch brands available in the market.  But then again, even with the high price tag that it has, people still do dream and aim to be able to purchase one that they can call their own.